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Algebra Seminar

Hodge theory and o-minimal geometry

Ben Bakker - U. Georgia

Location:  Hill 425
Date & time: Wednesday, 02 May 2018 at 2:00PM - 3:00PM

Abstract:  Hodge structures on cohomology groups are fundamental invariants of algebraic varieties; they are parametrized by quotients D/? of periods domains by arithmetic groups. Except for a few very special cases, such quotients are never algebraic varieties, and this leads to many difficulties in the general theory. We explain how to partially remedy this situation by equipping D/? with an o-minimal structure, and show that period maps are "definable" with respect to this structure.
As a consequence, we obtain an easy proof of a result of Cattani--Deligne--Kaplan on the algebraicity of Hodge loci, a strong piece of evidence for the Hodge conjecture. The proof of the main theorem relies heavily on work of Schmid, Kashiwara, and Cattani--Kaplan--Schmid on the asymptotics of degenerations of Hodge structures.

This is joint work with B. Klingler and J. Tsimerman.

Special Note to All Travelers

Directions: map and driving directions. If you need information on public transportation, you may want to check the New Jersey Transit page.

Unfortunately, cancellations do occur from time to time. Feel free to call our department: 848-445-6969 before embarking on your journey. Thank you.