Honors Seminars

One of the important features of the honors track is a new program of seminar courses for undergraduates, especially aimed at honors track students or prospective honors track students. These seminars will introduce students to aspects of mathematics that are often not covered in regular courses, will help students develop communication and presentation skills, and will allow students to interact with each other and with professors in a less formal setting than regular courses.

Enrollment in these seminars is limited and students require special permission from the instructor to be admitted.

The honors track requires each student to take two 1 credit seminars that have been approved for honors credit. The Introductory Honors Seminar (see below) can count for only one of these. Students in the honors track are strongly encouraged to take more seminars as their schedule permits.

The Introductory Honors Seminar

This is a seminar that is aimed at 1st and 2nd year students who have a serious interest in expanding their mathematical horizons. Students who are in the honors track or are interested in being accepted to the honors track should take this seminar at least once. It is planned to run most semesters and will run at least once a year.

Other Honors Track Seminars

At least one other seminar course that is approved for the honors track will be offered each year. Some of these seminars are primarily aimed at 3rd and 4th year students in the honors track, while others encourage broader participation.