Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
Time: 3:00PM - Andre Hernandez-Espiet - Formalized Synthetic Geometry - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill 005
Time: 3:00PM - Alison Bu- Symbolic Computation to Study Explicit Gröbner Bases and Lattice Path Enumeration - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense CoRe 431
Time: 3:20PM - Robert Dougherty-Bliss - Experimental Methods in Number Theory and Combinatorics - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill 525
Time: 4:20PM - George Spahn - Counting Classes of Matrices and More using Experimental Mathematics - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill 525
Time: 12:00PM - Soham Chanda - On Generalized Surgery Operations for Lagrangian Submanifolds - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill 705
Time: 4:00PM - Liuwei Gong: Conformal Metrics of Constant Scalar Curvature with Unbounded Volumes - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill 005
Time: 10:00AM - Songhao Zhu: Supersymmetric Shimura operators and interpolation polynomials - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill 705
Time: 9:30AM - Nathan Mehlhop - Quantitative Estimates for Multidimensional Polynomial Ergodic Averages - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill 705
Time: 2:00PM - Tae Young - Hypergeometric Sheaves, Weil Representations, and Finite General Linear Groups - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill 425
Time: 12:10PM - Quentin Dubroff: Random walks, the H-space of a random graph, and four miniatures - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill 705
Time: 11:40AM - Brian Pinsky - When are groups automorphism groups of graphs without choice? - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Room 423
Time: 10:00AM - Navin Aksornthong - On the super tree property and on large cardinals in HOD - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill 705
Time: 11:00AM - Hamidreza Mahmoudian - Neckpinch Singularities in Ricco Flow - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill 525
Time: 11:00AM - Hamidreza Mahmoudian - Neckpinch Singularities in Ricco Flow - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill 525
Time: 11:00AM - Leonidas Daskalakis - Roth’s Theorem in thin subsets of primes and pointwise ergodic theorems for nonconventional averages on L^1 - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill 705
Time: 11:00AM - Rashmika Goswami - Two Random Processes for Finding Approximate Solutions to Combinatorial Problems - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill 525
Time: 3:00PM - Charles Kenney: Random List Coloring - Location: Ph.D. Thesis Defense Hill 705