Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
Time: 10:45AM - Michael Berry - Superoscillations in waves: old, new, common, uncommon - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar Zoom
Time: 10:45AM - Vieri Mastropietro - Lines of critical points and Kadanoff relations - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar zoom
Time: 10:45AM - David Huse - The many-body-localization (MBL) to thermalization phase transition - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar Zoom
Time: 12:00PM - Complete pro-unipotent automorphism group for the monster Lie algebra - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Zoom
Time: 12:40PM - Moser-Trudinger inequality for complex Monge-Ampere and applications. I - Location: Learning Seminar on PDE and Applications Zoom
Time: 2:00PM - Classification and statistics of cut-and-project sets - Location: Number Theory Seminar zoom
Time: 2:30PM - A family of 3d steady gradient solitons that are flying wings - Location: Geometric Analysis Seminar zoom
Time: 3:50PM - The fully marked surface theorem - Location: Topology/Geometry Seminar zoom link:
Time: 10:45AM - John Cardy - On the peculiar elastic properties of TTbarite - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar zoom
Time: 2:00PM - What is Tensor Triangulated Geometry? - Location: Algebra Seminar Zoom
Time: 5:00PM - Counting Matrices that are Squares - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar zoom
Time: 12:00PM - Arc spaces, vertex algebras and principal subspaces - Location: Lie Group Quantum Mathematics Seminar Zoom
Time: 12:00PM - Quantitative Stability in the Calculus of Variations - Location: Special Colloquium zoom
Time: 12:00PM - Local-to-global methods in relative symplectic cohomology - Location: Special Colloquium zoom
Time: 12:40PM - Moser-Trudinger inequality for complex Monge-Ampere and applications. II - Location: Learning Seminar on PDE and Applications zoom
Time: 2:00PM - An asymptotic version of the prime power conjecture for perfect difference sets - Location: Number Theory Seminar zoom
Time: 2:30PM - Some unknottedness results for self shrinkers to the mean curvature flow - Location: Geometric Analysis Seminar zoom
Time: 3:50PM - Calculation of the holonomy perturbed flat SU(2) moduli space of the earring tangle. - Location: Topology/Geometry Seminar zoom link:
Time: 9:30AM - Flows of vector fields: classical and modern - Location: Nonlinear Analysis Zoom
Time: 10:45AM - Haim Brezis - A surprising formula for Sobolev norms - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar zoom