Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
Time: 10:45AM - Michael Berry - Superoscillations in waves: old, new, common, uncommon - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar Zoom
Time: 10:45AM - Vieri Mastropietro - Lines of critical points and Kadanoff relations - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar zoom
Time: 10:45AM - David Huse - The many-body-localization (MBL) to thermalization phase transition - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar Zoom
Time: 10:45AM - John Cardy - On the peculiar elastic properties of TTbarite - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar zoom
Time: 10:45AM - Haim Brezis - A surprising formula for Sobolev norms - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar zoom
Time: 10:45AM - Daniel Fisher - Ecological Chaos and Microbial Diversity - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar zoom
Time: 10:45AM - The life and death of turbulence - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar zoom
Time: 10:45AM - Julia M Yeomans - Self-propelled Topological Defects - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar zoom
Time: 10:30AM - How Materials Can Learn How to Function - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar zoom
Time: 10:45AM - Kenneth M. Golden - Modeling sea ice in a warming climate - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar Zoom
Time: 10:45AM - A dynamical model of the visual cortex - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar Zoom
Time: 10:45AM - Active Topology - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar Zoom
Time: 10:45AM - Topology in shallow-water waves: A violation of bulk-edge correspondence - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar zoom
Time: 10:45AM - The Problem of Quantization - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar zoom
Time: 10:45AM - Crystallization in a Repeatedly Sheared Granular Medium - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar zoom
Time: 10:45AM - Multiple Equilibria and Resilience in Large Complex Systems: beyond May-Wigner model - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar zoom
Time: 10:45AM - Some Aspects of Quantum Complexity - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar Zoom
Time: 10:45AM - Geometry of Concept Manifolds - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar zoom
Time: 10:45AM - Statistical physics of learning in neural networks: the importance of data structure - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar zoom
Time: 10:45AM - Vector computations in the fly brain - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar zoom