Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
Time: 10:00AM - Coisotropic submanifolds of symplectic manifolds, leafwise fixed points, and spherical nonsqueezing - Location: Topology/Geometry Seminar ARC Rm # 203
Time: 3:50PM - The number of surfaces of fixed genus embedded in a 3-manifold - Location: Topology/Geometry Seminar Room 705
Time: 3:50PM - Light bulbs in 4-manifolds - Location: Topology/Geometry Seminar Room 705
Time: 3:50PM - Flat and hyperbolic geometry of surfaces - Location: Topology/Geometry Seminar Hill 705
Time: 3:50PM - Partial hyperbolicity and pseudo-Anosov dynamics (Cancelled) - Location: Topology/Geometry Seminar Hill 705
Time: 3:50PM - Taut sutured handlebodies as twisted homology products - Location: Topology/Geometry Seminar Hill 705
Time: 3:50PM - Statistics for random curves - Location: Topology/Geometry Seminar Hill 705
Time: 3:50PM - Involutive Floer homology of surgeries - Location: Topology/Geometry Seminar Hill 705
Time: 3:50PM - The space of geodesic triangulations on surfaces - Location: Topology/Geometry Seminar zoom link:
Time: 3:50PM - The Heights theorem for integrable quadratic differentials on infinite Riemann surfaces - Location: Topology/Geometry Seminar zoom link:
Time: 3:50PM - A relative version of the Turaev-Viro invariants and hyperbolic polyhedral metrics - Location: Topology/Geometry Seminar zoom link:
Time: 3:50PM - Stable commutator lengths of integral chains in right-angled Artin groups - Location: Topology/Geometry Seminar zoom link:
Time: 3:50PM - Topological rigidity of the first Betti number and Ricci flow smoothing - Location: Topology/Geometry Seminar zoom link:
Time: 3:50PM - Profinite Completions of 3-manifold groups and Hyperbolic Triangle Groups - Location: Topology/Geometry Seminar zoom link
Time: 3:50PM - On the escape rate of an open manifold with nonnegative Ricci curvature - Location: Topology/Geometry Seminar zoom link:
Time: 3:50PM - Thurston's norm, veering triangulations, and a new polynomial invariant - Location: Topology/Geometry Seminar zoom link:
Time: 3:50PM - SU(2) representations for toroidal homology spheres - Location: Topology/Geometry Seminar zoom link: