Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
Time: 2:00PM - Higher norm principles for norm varieties - Location: Algebra Seminar Room 425
Time: 2:00PM - The K'-theory of monoid sets - Location: Algebra Seminar Room 425
Time: 2:00PM - The K'-theory of monoid sets - Location: Algebra Seminar Room 425
Time: 2:00PM - Quantum geometry of moduli spaces of local system - Location: Algebra Seminar Room 425
Time: 2:00PM - Six explicit pairs of fake projective planes - Location: Algebra Seminar Hill 425
Time: 2:00PM - Generalized Brauer dimension - Location: Algebra Seminar Hill 425
Time: 11:00AM - Online TEST - Location: Algebra Seminar OnlineTBA
Time: 2:00PM - On the Jordan property for local fundamental groups - Location: Algebra Seminar Online: Webex
Time: 2:00PM - Higher K-theory via generators and relations - Location: Algebra Seminar
Time: 2:00PM - Moduli spaces on the Kuznetsov component of Fano threefolds of index 2 - Location: Algebra Seminar This talk will be online, using webex
Time: 2:00PM - Compactifications of moduli of points and lines in the projective plane - Location: Algebra Seminar online
Time: 2:00PM - A journey from the octonionic $P^2$ to a fake $P^2$ - Location: Algebra Seminar
Time: 2:00PM - On the boundedness of $n$-folds of Kodaira dimension $n-1$ - Location: Algebra Seminar
Time: 2:00PM - Betti numbers of unordered configuration spaces of a punctured torus - Location: Algebra Seminar
Time: 2:00PM - Moduli of semiorthogonal decompositions - Location: Algebra Seminar
Time: 2:00PM - The Kodaira dimension of some moduli spaces of elliptic K3 surfaces - Location: Algebra Seminar
Time: 2:00PM - An obstruction to weak approximation on some Calabi-Yau threefolds - Location: Algebra Seminar
Time: 2:00PM - Degree One Milnor K-Invariants of Groups of Multiplicative Type - Location: Algebra Seminar
Time: 2:00PM - Tits cone intersections and Applications - Location: Algebra Seminar
Time: 12:00PM - Graph potentials as mirrors to moduli of vector bundles on curves - Location: Algebra Seminar Via zoom: