Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
Time: 12:00PM - Resurgent Extrapolation: Painleve I - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 2:00PM - Derivation of 1d and 2d Gross-Pitaevskii equations for strongly confined 3d bosons - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - Statistical mechanics and Random Matrices - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 2:00PM - The distribution of path lengths on directed weighted graphs - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - Geometry of the Laplace Operator on Compact Riemannian Manifolds - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 2:00PM - Tails of KPZ: large deviations of a random growth model - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - On the stability of black holes in classical GR - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 2:00PM - Strong Cosmic Censorship and charged gravitational collapse - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar Hill 313
Time: 1:30PM - The search and recovery of Antarctic meteorite: secrets they contain and the daily struggles and joys of life on the ice plateau - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - Spectral Properties of Continuum Fibonacci Schrodinger Operators - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 12:00PM - Stationary solutions for the stochastic heat, KPZ, and Burgers equations - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar Hill 705