Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
Time: 11:00AM - Monotonicity problems in graph theory - Location: DIMACS Theory of Computing Seminar CoRE 301
Time: 12:00PM - Spectral Optimization and Free Boundary Problems - Location: Special Colloquium Hill 705
Time: 12:10PM - Proof Methods in Combinatorics - Location: Graduate Student Combinatorics Seminar Sponsored by DIMACS GSL
Time: 2:00PM - An annoying question about eigenvalues - Location: Algebra Seminar Hill 425
Time: 7:00PM - Establishing You Career as an Actuary - Location: RUMA Lectures Hill 423
Time: 12:00PM - Solving' the simplest nontrivial dynamical systems: Straight lines on compact flat surfaces - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 5:00PM - Power series expansion of the free energy for monomer-dimer tilings - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 1:40PM - Spacings of Fractions/Torsion Points - Location: Graduate Pizza Seminar GSL
Time: 5:00PM - Definability and Decidability in Number Theory - Location: Logic Seminar Hill 705
Time: 2:00PM - Low-lying fundamental geodesics in an arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifold - Location: Number Theory Seminar Hill 525
Time: 3:30PM - Representations of Kauffman bracket skein algebras of a surface - Location: Topology/Geometry Seminar Hill 525
Time: 10:30AM - Nonuniqueness of weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations - Location: Nonlinear Analysis Hill 705
Time: 11:00AM - Matrix Sketching over Streams - Location: DIMACS Theory of Computing Seminar CoRE 301
Time: 12:15PM - The Angel Problem - Location: Graduate Student Combinatorics Seminar Sponsored by DIMACS GSL
Time: 2:00PM - Equations of Cartwright-Steger surface - Location: Algebra Seminar Hill 425
Time: 12:00PM - Recent advances on massive matter flows governed by the Einstein equations - Location: Mathematical Physics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 1:30PM - Nested Hilbert schemes, local Donaldson-Thomas theory, and Vafa-Witten / Seiberg-Witten correspondence - Location: Geometry and Physics Seminar Serin E372
Time: 5:00PM - Symmetry Breaking in SAT and QBF - Location: Experimental Mathematics Seminar Hill 705
Time: 1:40PM - Postdoc Life Panel - Location: Graduate Pizza Seminar GSL
Time: 2:00PM - Using rectangular convolutions to construct biregular expanders - Location: Discrete Math Hill 705