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Nonlinear Analysis

Rate of blow-up in the thin obstacle problem

Hui Yu, National University of Singapore

Location:  Zoom
Date & time: Wednesday, 20 April 2022 at 9:30AM - 10:30AM

Abstract: The thin obstacle problem is a classical free boundary problem arising from the study of an elastic membrane resting on a lower-dimensional obstacle. Concerning the behavior of the solution near a contact point between the membrane and the obstacle, many important questions remain open. In this talk, we discuss a unified method that leads to a rate of convergence to `tangent cones’ at contact points with integer frequencies. If time permits, we also discuss some partial results concerning contact points with 7/2 frequency in 3d. This talk is based on recent joint works with Ovidiu Savin (Columbia).

Zoom link: Meeting ID: 964 3090 5091 Passcode: 491508

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Directions: map and driving directions. If you need information on public transportation, you may want to check the New Jersey Transit page.

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