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Mathematical Physics Seminar

General relativistic surprises at small scales

Michael Kiessling – Rutgers University

Location:  Hill Center 705
Date & time: Thursday, 23 September 2021 at 1:20PM - 2:20PM

Abstract: It is by now well-established that general relativity (GR) accurately captures physics at astrophysical and cosmic scales, and GPS wouldn't work if one ignored the effects of GR at earthly scales, yet GR is expected to break down at the Planck scale. That leaves plenty of unexplored territory in between. In this talk I survey results about GR at (sub-)atomic scales that still are about 20 orders of magnitude away from the Planck scale. This includes in particular recent research results obtained in various collaborations with Annegret Burtscher, Elie Kapengut, Eric Ling, Shadi Tahvildar-Zadeh, and Ebru Toprak.

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Directions: map and driving directions. If you need information on public transportation, you may want to check the New Jersey Transit page.

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