Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
Eric Carlen - On a convolution inequality and an equation of Lieb for the Bose
Eric Carlen
Location: Hill Center Room 705
Date & time: Thursday, 27 February 2020 at 12:00PM - 1:00PM
Eric Carlen – Rutgers University
Thursday, February 27th , 12:00pm; Hill 705
" On a convolution inequality and an equation of Lieb for the Bose "
Lieb's equation for the Bose gas is an elliptic PDE with a quadratic nonlinearity of convolution form. While Elliott Lieb spoke on this equation and the physics behind it in this seminar last Fall, recent progress has shed new light on the behavior of solutions. Much of the progress rests on a new convolution inequality obtained in a collaboration of myself, Jauslin, Lieb and Loss. The convolution inequality, beside solving an open problem for this equation, is of intrinsic interest. This talk will assume no familiarity with the subject, and should be accessible to all analysts as well as mathematical physicists.