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Learning Seminar on PDE and Applications

A Liouville-Type Theorem for Beltrami Flows

Jeaheang Bang, Rutgers University

Location:  Hill 705
Date & time: Wednesday, 05 February 2020 at 1:40PM - 3:00PM

Abstract: This is an expository talk on the work of Dongho Chae and Peter Constantin in 2015. They presented a simple, short, and elementary proof that any three-dimensional Beltrami flow with a finite energy has to be trivial. The main idea of the proof is to use the continuity of the Fourier transform of functions belonging to \(L^1\).

Special Note to All Travelers

Directions: map and driving directions. If you need information on public transportation, you may want to check the New Jersey Transit page.

Unfortunately, cancellations do occur from time to time. Feel free to call our department: 848-445-6969 before embarking on your journey. Thank you.