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Applied and Computational Math Seminar

Inverse Problems, Imaging and Tensor Decomposition

Joe Kileel, Princeton University

Location:  Room 705
Date & time: Monday, 27 January 2020 at 2:00PM - 3:00PM

Perspectives from computational algebra and numerical optimization are 
brought to bear on a scientific application and a data science 
application.  In the first part of the talk, I will discuss 
cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), an imaging technique to determine 
the 3-D shape of macromolecules from many noisy 2-D projections, 
recognized by the 2017 Chemistry Nobel Prize.  Mathematically, cryo-EM 
presents a rich inverse problem, with unknown orientations, extreme 
noise, big data and conformational heterogeneity. In particular, this 
motivates a general framework for statistical estimation under compact 
group actions, connecting information theory and group invariant 
theory.  In the second part of the talk, I will discuss tensor rank 
decomposition, a higher-order variant of PCA broadly applicable in 
data science.  A fast algorithm is introduced and analyzed, combining 
ideas of Sylvester and the power method.

Special Note to All Travelers

Directions: map and driving directions. If you need information on public transportation, you may want to check the New Jersey Transit page.

Unfortunately, cancellations do occur from time to time. Feel free to call our department: 848-445-6969 before embarking on your journey. Thank you.