Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
The many-body localization phase transition
David Huse - Princeton University
Location: Hill 705
Date & time: Thursday, 04 April 2019 at 12:00PM - 1:00PM
Abstract: To sharply define a phase transition, usually one has to take the combined limits of infinite system size and infinite time. For thermodynamic phase transitions one takes the limit of infinite system size in a way that respects thermodynamics: namely, the thermodynamic limit. But the many-body localization (MBL) phase transition is not a thermodynamic phase transition, so we are not required to take the usual thermodynamic limit when we define the MBL phase transition. Upon considering the MBL phase transition in a variety of cases, varying the range of the interactions and the dimensionality of space, we find three rather different regimes of this phase transition, each of which requires a different way of taking the limits of infinite system size and infinite time in its definition.