Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
The Price twist and trisections
Maggie Miller (Princeton)
Location: Hill 525
Date & time: Tuesday, 25 September 2018 at 3:40PM - 4:40PM
Abstract: Let S be an RP^2 embedded in a smooth 4-manifold X^4. With some mild conditions, the Price twist is a surgery operation on S that yields a 4-manifold homeomorphic (but not necessarily diffeomorphic) to X^4. In particular, for every RP^2 embedded in S^4, this operation yields a homotopy 4-sphere.
In this talk, we will understand the Price twist via the theory of trisections. In particular, I will show how to produce an explicit trisection diagram of the surgered 4-manifold.
This is joint work with Seungwon Kim.