Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
Computing Connection Matrices
Kelly Spendlove, Rutgers University
Location: Hill 525
Date & time: Monday, 06 November 2017 at 1:00PM - 2:00PM
Abstract: Algebraic topology and dynamical systems are intimately related: the algebra may constrain or force the existence of certain dynamics. Morse homology is the prototypical theory grounded in this observation. Conley theory is a far-reaching topological generalization of Morse theory and a great deal of effort over the last few decades has established a computational version of the Conley theory. Within the Conley theory the connection matrix is the mathematical object which transforms the approach into a truly homological theory; it is the Conley-theoretic generalization of the Morse boundary operator. We'll discuss how the connection matrix can be computed efficiently using some tools from algebraic topology and order theory. The ability to compute this boundary operator turns the computational Conley theory into a computational homology theory for dynamical systems.