Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
Entanglement rates in quantum systems
Anna Vershynina, University of Houston
Location: HILL 705
Date & time: Thursday, 19 October 2017 at 2:00PM - 3:00PM
Abstract: We investigate the maximal rate at which entanglement can be generated in time in quantum systems. The goal is to upper bound this rate. I will quickly review the problem in closed systems, and provide a simple proof of one of the upper bounds. In an open system the generator of irreversible dynamics consists of a Hamiltonian and dissipative terms in Lindblad form. The relative entropy of entanglement and quantum mutual information are chosen as a measure of entanglement in an open system. At the end I will discuss the most recent progress on a generalization of the entanglement rate problem, which, for example, provides the bound on entanglement rate for Renyi entropy.