Seminars & Colloquia Calendar
What's the deal with all these flows?
Matt Charnley, Rutgers University
Location: Graduate Student Lounge, 7th Floor, Hill Center
Date & time: Friday, 15 September 2017 at 1:40PM - 2:40PM
Abstract: There has been a lot of buzz over the last few decades about so-called 'geometric flows' and their properties and applications, especially after Ricci flow was used to prove the Poincare conjecture. While I know better than to try to introduce Ricci flow in a Pizza Seminar, curve shortening flow is a simpler geometric flow that can (hopefully) be covered in such a seminar. I'll introduce the flow and walk through some of the standard operations that are done with other geometric flows to give a flavor of the area. I'll also use this flow to get a proof of the isoperimetric inequality.