with(combinat): Help:=proc() if args = NULL then print(`HasScheme(pats,max_depth,max_gap_size,quick_fail), SeqS(scheme, n)`): elif args = 'HasScheme' then print(`HasScheme(pats,max_depth, max_gap_size,quick_fail:=false) attempts to find a scheme to count the permutations avoiding all the patterns of pats with depth <= max_depth and gap restrictions of size <=max_gap_size. If it succeeds, it returns the scheme, and if it fails it returns FAIL along with the set of prefixes it was unable to reduce. By default, quick_fail is set to false. If it is set to true instead, then HasScheme does a depth-first search of all prefixes of length <= max_depth, and stops as soon as it finds one of length max_depth that doesn't reduce. The advantage is that it will return FAIL more quickly when no scheme exists, but the disadvantage is that it will only list one prefix that it is unable to reduce instead of all of them.`): print(`For example, try`): print(`HasScheme({[1, 3, 4, 2], [3, 1, 2, 4]}, 4, 2);`): elif args = 'SeqS' then print(`SeqS(scheme, n) gives the first n terms of the enumeration sequence defined by scheme`): print(`For example, try`): print(`SeqS({[[1, 2], [[[0, 0, 1], 1, []]], [2, [1]]], [[2, 1], [[[0, 0, 0], 2, [1]]], [1, [1]]]},15);`) fi: end: VatterByPrefix := proc(pats, pref, gaps) local one_ind, old_pref, old_gaps, i, output, prev, old, new_ind, new_out: option remember: if pref = [] then return(Wilf(gaps[1],pats)): fi: one_ind:=1: while pref[one_ind] <> 1 do one_ind:=one_ind+1: od: old_pref := [op(1..one_ind-1, pref), op(one_ind+1..nops(pref), pref)]: old_pref := redu(old_pref): old_gaps := [op(1..one_ind, gaps), op(one_ind+2..nops(gaps),gaps)]: old_gaps[one_ind] := old_gaps[one_ind] + gaps[one_ind+1]: old := VatterByPrefix(pats, old_pref, old_gaps): output := []: for prev in old do prev := prev + [1$nops(prev)]: new_ind := add(gaps[i],i=1..one_ind)+one_ind: new_out := [op(1..new_ind-1, prev), 1, op(new_ind..nops(prev),prev)]: if OneCheckAvoid(new_out, pats) then output:=[op(output), new_out]: fi: od: return(output): end: ##Inspired by Dr. Z's procedure Wilf Wilf:=proc(n, pats) local old, o, i, cand, output: if n = 0 then return({[]}): fi: old := Wilf(n-1, pats): output := []: for o in old do for i from 1 to n do cand := [op(1.. i-1, o), n, op(i..(n-1), o)]: if newCheckAvoid(cand, pats) then output := [op(output), cand]: fi: od: od: return(output): end: ##tests to see if perm contains some pattern in pats using the largest element of perm newCheckAvoid:=proc(perm, pats) local n, i, n_ind, inds_avail, pat, pre_inds, pre_ind, subword, k, inds: n := max(perm): for i from 1 to n do if perm[i] = n then n_ind := i: break: fi: od: inds_avail:=[op({seq(i, i=1..n)} minus {n_ind})]: for pat in pats do k := nops(pat): pre_inds := choose(inds_avail, k-1): for pre_ind in pre_inds do inds := sort([op(pre_ind), n_ind]): subword := [seq(perm[i], i in inds)]: if pat = redu(subword) then return(false): fi: od: od: return(true): end: ##tests to see if perm contains some pattern in pats using the first element of perm InitCheckAvoid := proc(perm, pats) local inds, ind, pat, subword: for pat in pats do inds := choose(nops(perm)-1, nops(pat) - 1): for ind in inds do subword := [perm[1], seq(perm[i+1], i in ind)]: if redu(subword) = pat then return(false): fi: od: od: return(true): end: OneCheckAvoid := proc(perm, pats) local new_pats, pat: new_pats:= {seq(Invert(pat), pat in pats)}: return(InitCheckAvoid(Invert(perm),new_pats)): end: redu:=proc(perm) sort(sort(perm, 'output=permutation'), 'output=permutation'): end: Invert:=proc(perm) sort(perm, output = permutation): end: GapVectorsBySum := proc(len, tot) local output, i, old, o: option remember: if tot = 0 then return([[0$len]]): fi: if len = 1 then return([tot]): fi: output := []: for i from 0 to tot do old := GapVectorsBySum(len-1, tot-i): for o in old do output := [op(output), [i, op(o)]]: od: od: return(output): end: AllGapVectors := proc(len, max_tot) local output, i: option remember: output := []: for i from 0 to max_tot do output := [op(output), op(GapVectorsBySum(len, i))]: od: return(output): end: RestrictedGapVectors := proc(len, max_tot, restrict) local restrict_sum, i, pre_vectors, pv, output: option remember: restrict_sum := add(restrict[i], i=1..nops(restrict)): if restrict_sum > max_tot then return([]) fi: pre_vectors := AllGapVectors(len, max_tot - restrict_sum): output := []: for pv in pre_vectors do output := [op(output), pv+restrict]: od: return(output): end: RestrictedGapVectorsBySum := proc(len, tot, restrict) local restrict_sum, pre_vectors, i, pv, output: option remember: restrict_sum := add(restrict[i], i=1..nops(restrict)): if restrict_sum > tot then return([]): fi: pre_vectors := GapVectorsBySum(len, tot-restrict_sum): output:=[]: for pv in pre_vectors do output := [op(output), pv+restrict]: od: return(output): end: ReverseRestrictedGapVectors := proc(len, max_tot, restricts) local cands, cand, output, forbid, restrict: option remember: cands := AllGapVectors(len, max_tot): forbid := {seq(op(RestrictedGapVectors(len, max_tot, restrict)), restrict in restricts)}: output := []: for cand in cands do if not member(cand, forbid) then output := [op(output), cand]: fi: od: return(output): end: Refine := proc(perm) local output, new_perm, i,j: output := []: for i from 1 to nops(perm)+1 do new_perm := perm: for j from 1 to nops(new_perm) do if new_perm[j] >= i then new_perm[j] := new_perm[j] +1: fi: od: output := [op(output), [op(new_perm),i]]: od: return(output): end: Remove:=proc(i,perm) local j, output: output:=[]: for j from 1 to nops(perm) do if perm[j] <> i then output:=[op(output), perm[j]]: fi: od: output: end: #naive_scheme.txt #same as naive_scheme.jl, but written in Maple #read `utils.txt`: CheckEquivalence := proc(pats, pref1, pref2, collapsed_ind, restrict, restricts_found) local vecs2check, pat, v, filler1, v2, filler2, i, cands, forbid,r: cands := RestrictedGapVectors(nops(pref1)+1, max([seq(nops(pat), pat in pats)])+add(restrict[i], i=1..nops(restrict))-1, restrict): forbid := {seq(op(RestrictedGapVectors(nops(pref1)+1, max([seq(nops(pat), pat in pats)])+add(restrict[i],i=1..nops(restrict)) -1, r)), r in restricts_found)}: vecs2check:=[]: for v in cands do if not member(v,forbid) then vecs2check:=[op(vecs2check),v]: fi: od: for v in vecs2check do filler1 := nops(VatterByPrefix(pats, pref1,v)): v2 := [op(1..collapsed_ind, v), op(collapsed_ind+2..nops(v), v)]: v2[collapsed_ind] := v2[collapsed_ind]+v[collapsed_ind+1]: filler2 := nops(VatterByPrefix(pats, pref2,v2)): if filler1 <> filler2 then return(false): fi: od: return(true): end: IsImpossible := proc(pats, pref, r, restricts_found) local r1: for r1 in restricts_found do if ArrayLess(r1,r) then return(true): fi: od: if nops(VatterByPrefix(pats, pref, r)) <> 0 then return(false): fi: return(true): end: CheckEquivalenceDown := proc(pats, pref1, pref2, collapsed_ind, restrict) local vecs2check, pat, v, filler1, v2, filler2, i: vecs2check := RestrictedGapVectors(nops(pref1)+1, max([seq(nops(pat), pat in pats)])+add(restrict[i],i=1..nops(restrict)) -1, restrict): for v in vecs2check do filler1:=nops(VatterByPrefix(pats, pref1,v)): v2 := [op(1..collapsed_ind, v), op(collapsed_ind+2..nops(v), v)]: v2[collapsed_ind] := v2[collapsed_ind]+v[collapsed_ind+1]: filler2 := nops(VatterByPrefix(pats, pref2,v2)): if filler1 <> filler2 then return(false): fi: od: return(true): end: CheckEquivalenceUp := proc(pats, pref1, pref2, collapsed_ind, restricts) local vecs2check, pat, v, filler1, v2, filler2, i: vecs2check := ReverseRestrictedGapVectors(nops(pref1)+1, max([seq(nops(pat), pat in pats)])-1, restricts): for v in vecs2check do filler1 := nops(VatterByPrefix(pats, pref1,v)): v2 := [op(1..collapsed_ind, v), op(collapsed_ind+2..nops(v), v)]: v2[collapsed_ind] := v2[collapsed_ind]+v[collapsed_ind+1]: filler2 := nops(VatterByPrefix(pats, pref2,v2)): if filler1 <> filler2 then return(false): fi: od: return(true): end: IsImpossibleDown := proc(pats, pref, r) if nops(VatterByPrefix(pats, pref, r)) <> 0 then return(false): fi: return(true): end: IsImpossibleUp := proc(pats, pref, r) if {op(r)} = {0} then return(true): fi: if nops(VatterByPrefix(pats,pref,[0$(nops(pref)+1)])) <> 0 then return(false): fi: return(true): end: IsLeaf1 := proc(pats, pref, max_gap_size) local pref_cands, restrict_cands, r, p, i, output, restricts_found, unreduced, redundant, r1: if pref = [] then return([false,false]): fi: output:=[pref, [], []]: restrict_cands := RestrictedGapVectors(nops(pref)+1, max_gap_size, [0$(nops(pref)+1)]): restricts_found := []: for r in restrict_cands do redundant:=false: for r1 in restricts_found do if ArrayLess(r1,r) then redundant := true: break: fi: od: if redundant then next: fi: if IsImpossibleDown(pats,pref,r) then output[2]:=[op(output[2]), [r,0]]: restricts_found := [op(restricts_found), r]: else for i from 1 to nops(pref) do p:=redu([op(1..i-1,pref),op(i+1..nops(pref), pref)]): if CheckEquivalenceDown(pats, pref, p, i, r) then output[2] := [op(output[2]), [r,i]]: restricts_found := [op(restricts_found), r]: break: fi: od: fi: od: #print(restricts_found): if IsImpossibleUp(pats, pref, restricts_found) then output[3]:=0: return(output): fi: for i from 1 to nops(pref) do p:=redu([op(1..i-1,pref),op(i+1..nops(pref), pref)]): if CheckEquivalenceUp(pats, pref, p, i, restricts_found) then output[3] := i: return(output): fi: od: if nops(restricts_found) = 0 then return([false, false]): else return([false, true]): fi: end: IsLeaf2 := proc(pats, pref, max_gap_size) local pref_cands, restrict_cands, r, p, i, output, restricts_found, unreduced, redundant, r1: if pref = [] then return(false): fi: output:=[pref, []]: restrict_cands := Rev(RestrictedGapVectors(nops(pref)+1, max_gap_size, [0$(nops(pref)+1)])): restricts_found := []: for r in restrict_cands do if IsImpossible(pats,pref,r,restricts_found) then output[2]:=[op(output[2]), [r,0]]: restricts_found := [op(restricts_found), r]: else for i from 1 to nops(pref) do p:=redu([op(1..i-1,pref),op(i+1..nops(pref), pref)]): if CheckEquivalence(pats, pref, p, i, r,restricts_found) then output[2] := [op(output[2]), [r,i]]: restricts_found := [op(restricts_found), r]: break: fi: od: fi: if ReverseRestrictedGapVectors(nops(pref)+1, max_gap_size, restricts_found) = [] then return(output): fi: od: return(false): end: HasScheme1 := proc(pats, max_depth, max_gap_size, current_rules, current_need_reduction, current_found_reduction) local rules, need_reduction, found_reduction, pref, putative, opt, nr, unreduced, r: #print(current_rules, current_need_reduction, current_found_reduction): if current_need_reduction = {} then return(current_rules): fi: rules := current_rules: need_reduction := current_need_reduction: found_reduction := current_found_reduction: for pref in need_reduction do #print(pref): putative := IsLeaf1(pats, pref, max_gap_size): if putative[1] <> false then rules := rules union {putative}: need_reduction := need_reduction minus {pref}: found_reduction := found_reduction union {pref}: for r in putative[2] do if r[2] > 0 then need_reduction := need_reduction union {redu([op(1..r[2]-1, pref), op(r[2]+1..nops(pref),pref)])}: fi: od: if putative[3] > 0 then need_reduction := need_reduction union {redu([op(1..putative[3]-1, pref), op(putative[3]+1..nops(pref),pref)])}: fi: else if putative[2] <> false then putative:=IsLeaf2(pats,pref,max_gap_size): if putative <> false then rules := rules union {putative}: need_reduction := need_reduction minus {pref}: found_reduction := found_reduction union {pref}: for r in putative[2] do if r[2] > 0 then need_reduction := need_reduction union {redu([op(1..r[2]-1, pref), op(r[2]+1..nops(pref),pref)])}: fi: od: #if putative[3] > 0 then # need_reduction := need_reduction union {redu([op(1..putative[3]-1, pref), op(putative[3]+1..nops(pref),pref)])}: #fi: else rules := rules union {[pref, []]}: need_reduction := need_reduction union {op(IRefine(pref))}: found_reduction := found_reduction union {pref}: fi: else rules := rules union {[pref, []]}: need_reduction := need_reduction union {op(IRefine(pref))}: found_reduction := found_reduction union {pref}: fi: fi: od: need_reduction := need_reduction minus found_reduction: if max({seq(nops(nr), nr in need_reduction)}) > max_depth then return([FAIL, rules, need_reduction]): fi: return(HasScheme1(pats,max_depth,max_gap_size, rules, need_reduction, found_reduction)): end: #Depth-first search yields quicker failures HasScheme2 := proc(pats, max_depth, max_gap_size, current_rules, current_need_reduction, current_found_reduction) local rules, need_reduction, found_reduction, max_len, max_pref, pref, putative, opt, r: rules:=current_rules: need_reduction := current_need_reduction: found_reduction:= current_found_reduction: while need_reduction <> {} do max_len := 0: max_pref:=[]: for pref in need_reduction do if nops(pref) > max_len then max_len:=nops(pref): max_pref:=pref: fi: od: if max_len > max_depth then return([FAIL,{max_pref}]): fi: putative := IsLeaf1(pats, pref, max_gap_size): if putative[1] <> false then rules := rules union {putative}: need_reduction := need_reduction minus {pref}: found_reduction := found_reduction union {pref}: for r in putative[2] do if r[2] > 0 then need_reduction := need_reduction union {redu([op(1..r[2]-1, pref), op(r[2]+1..nops(pref),pref)])}: fi: od: if putative[3] > 0 then need_reduction := need_reduction union {redu([op(1..putative[3]-1, pref), op(putative[3]+1..nops(pref),pref)])}: fi: else if putative[2] <> false then putative:=IsLeaf2(pats,pref,max_gap_size): if putative <> false then rules := rules union {putative}: need_reduction := need_reduction minus {pref}: found_reduction := found_reduction union {pref}: for r in putative[2] do if r[2] > 0 then need_reduction := need_reduction union {redu([op(1..r[2]-1, pref), op(r[2]+1..nops(pref),pref)])}: fi: od: #if putative[3] > 0 then # need_reduction := need_reduction union {redu([op(1..putative[3]-1, pref), op(putative[3]+1..nops(pref),pref)])}: #fi: else rules := rules union {[pref,[]]}: need_reduction := need_reduction union {op(IRefine(pref))}: found_reduction := found_reduction union {pref}: fi: else rules := rules union {[pref,[]]}: need_reduction := need_reduction union {op(IRefine(pref))}: found_reduction := found_reduction union {pref}: fi: fi: need_reduction := need_reduction minus found_reduction: od: return(rules): end: HasScheme := proc(pats, max_depth, max_gap_size, quick_fail:=false) if quick_fail then HasScheme2(pats, max_depth, max_gap_size, {}, {[]}, {}): else HasScheme1(pats, max_depth, max_gap_size, {}, {[]}, {}): fi: end: SeqS := proc(scheme, n) local n1: if type(scheme, `table`) then seq(FindTermTable(scheme,[],[n1]), n1=1..n): else seq(FindTermScheme(scheme,[],[n1]), n1=1..n): fi: end: FindTermTable:=proc(T, pref, gap) local rule, gap_restricts, i, refi, r, new_ind, new_gap, j, output, g, down_collapsed_ind, down_pref, down_gap, up_collapsed_ind, up_pref, up_gap: option remember: rule := T[pref]: gap_restricts := rule[1]: if gap_restricts = [] then if add(gap[i], i=1..nops(gap)) = 0 then return(1): fi: output := 0: refi := IRefine(pref): for r in refi do new_ind := max[index](r): new_gap := [0$(nops(gap)+1)]: for j from 1 to gap[new_ind] do new_gap := [op(1..new_ind-1, gap), j-1, gap[new_ind]-j, op(new_ind+1..nops(gap), gap)]: output := output + FindTermTable(T, r, new_gap): od: od: return(output): fi: for i from 1 to nops(gap_restricts) do g:=gap_restricts[i]: if ArrayLess(g[1], gap) then down_collapsed_ind := g[2]: #this is a convention to indicate nonviable gap vectors if down_collapsed_ind = 0 then return(0): fi: down_pref := redu([op(1..down_collapsed_ind-1, pref), op(down_collapsed_ind+1..nops(pref),pref)]): down_gap := [op(1..down_collapsed_ind, gap),op(down_collapsed_ind+2..nops(gap), gap)]: down_gap[down_collapsed_ind]:= down_gap[down_collapsed_ind] + gap[down_collapsed_ind+1]: return(FindTermTable(T, down_pref, down_gap)): fi: od: up_collapsed_ind := rule[2]: if up_collapsed_ind = 0 then return(0): fi: up_pref := redu([op(1..up_collapsed_ind-1, pref), op(up_collapsed_ind+1..nops(pref), pref)]): up_gap := [op(1..up_collapsed_ind, gap), op(up_collapsed_ind+2..nops(gap), gap)]: up_gap[up_collapsed_ind] := up_gap[up_collapsed_ind] + gap[up_collapsed_ind+1]: return(FindTermTable(T, up_pref, up_gap)): end: FindTermScheme:=proc(scheme, pref, gap) local i,j,rule,gap_restricts, down_collapsed_ind, down_pref, down_gap, up_collapsed_ind, up_pref, up_gap, output, refi, r, new_ind, new_gap,g: option remember: #print(pref,gap): for rule in scheme do if pref = rule[1] then gap_restricts := rule[2]: if gap_restricts = [] then if add(gap[i], i=1..nops(gap)) = 0 then return(1): fi: output:=0: refi := IRefine(pref): for r in refi do new_ind := max[index](r): new_gap := [0$(nops(gap)+1)]: for j from 1 to gap[new_ind] do new_gap := [op(1..new_ind-1, gap), j-1, gap[new_ind]-j, op(new_ind+1..nops(gap), gap)]: output := output + FindTermScheme(scheme, r, new_gap): od: od: return(output): fi: for i from 1 to nops(gap_restricts) do g:=gap_restricts[i]: if ArrayLess(g[1], gap) then down_collapsed_ind := g[2]: #this is a convention to indicate nonviable gap vectors if down_collapsed_ind = 0 then return(0): fi: down_pref := redu([op(1..down_collapsed_ind-1, pref), op(down_collapsed_ind+1..nops(pref),pref)]): down_gap := [op(1..down_collapsed_ind, gap),op(down_collapsed_ind+2..nops(gap), gap)]: down_gap[down_collapsed_ind]:= down_gap[down_collapsed_ind] + gap[down_collapsed_ind+1]: return(FindTermScheme(scheme, down_pref, down_gap)): fi: od: up_collapsed_ind := rule[3]: if up_collapsed_ind = 0 then return(0): fi: up_pref := redu([op(1..up_collapsed_ind-1, pref), op(up_collapsed_ind+1..nops(pref), pref)]): up_gap := [op(1..up_collapsed_ind, gap), op(up_collapsed_ind+2..nops(gap), gap)]: up_gap[up_collapsed_ind] := up_gap[up_collapsed_ind] + gap[up_collapsed_ind+1]: return(FindTermScheme(scheme, up_pref, up_gap)): fi: od: end: ArrayLess:=proc(arr1, arr2) local i: if nops(arr1) <> nops(arr2) then print(`Two arrays must have the same size`): return(FAIL): fi: for i from 1 to nops(arr1) do if arr1[i] > arr2[i] then return(false): fi: od: return(true): end: Scheme2Table:=proc(scheme) local T,rule: T:=table(): for rule in scheme do T[rule[1]]:=[op(2..-1,rule)]: od: return(op(T)): end: IRefine:=proc(perm) local i,n: n:=nops(perm): return([seq([op(1..i,perm),n+1,op(i+1..n, perm)], i=0..n)]): end: ##Example Scheme for 123: {[[1, 2], [[[0, 0, 1], 1, []]], [2, [1]]], [[2, 1], [[[0, 0, 0], 2, [1]]], [1, [1]]]} DecreaseToOne:=proc(perm) local i: for i from 1 to nops(perm) do if perm[i] = 1 then return(true): elif i >=2 and perm[i] > perm[i-1] then return(false): fi: od: 6: end: Rev:=proc(L) local i: [seq(L[-i],i=1..nops(L))]: end: